Project 2 - Fright Night
Assets - Animation and a zombie model - Table - Jack in the Box - Blood Gush FX - Dragon Model - Chandelier - Door - Wood Beams - Globe - Antique Lantern - Baseball Bat - Bathtub - Bloody Towel
List of Sounds - Soul Candle - Relaxing Music - 10HoursOfEverything - John Player - cobyveron - Jade Brown - The Chocolate Guy - cobyveron - Iwan Sounds and DIY
Drive Link
Link to YouTube Video
Getting Started
- Open Unity (prefereably 2018 version)
- Download Assets folder from link given above
- Open a new project in Unity
- Copy contents of Assets folder into the Asset folder of new project
- Open NewFirstScene.unity from Assets folder
- The scene should load
- Press Play button in Unity to start the application
Models Created
1. Book

2. Candle

3. Chain

4. Chair

5. Cupboard

6. Wine Glass

7. Knife

8. Pawn

9. Toothpaste

10. Treasure Chest

Drive Link to Assets and Sounds
Monetizing the Project
Virtual Reality has been around for a while. But still people haven’t used it a lot and get very excited by it. Hence VR sells itself! At least for now. With that being said haunted houses and such experiences often break the natural laws of our world. With virtual reality it is even easier to do that. It offers endless possibilities limited only by our imagination. I believe a virtual haunted house would be a highly successful product.
For our specific game, if given funding and the opportunity for monetisation, we would like to track our entire player. This is very doable using inverse kinematics in Unity. Or we could make this much easier and have additional tracking device for the legs as well. This improves the interaction of the player to the surrounding.
Another thing we can do is, we can have multi-user experience. Now this can go two ways:
We can have a huge space and track multiple players. How about a Christmas themed fight. It would be a lot of fun! If we had the resources I would make a large room have wind, odour and a suit that can induce pain(very bearable). Try to make it as real as possible. In such a case there wouldn’t be teleporting.
Or we can have two or more 3m by 3m spaces (or larger) to track multiple players. This enables the players to individually move to separate rooms in the play space, such that they can choose to or not to share the virtual world with the other player. There can be teleporting in such games or they can have games like “Unseen Diplomacy” that navigates within the same space.
Another idea is to have the apps released for free and keep adding extra features for profit. The storytelling power of 360 degree movies/games is astounding. Hence marketing through the existing 2D applications by making a 3D version of it, that is making a horror themed version of the Nun was a huge hit.